How to generate a passive income

How To Become an Affiliate Today and Generate Passive Income?

If you’ve checked out our other blogs, you’re probably fully clued in on why becoming an affiliate will help you reach your wealth goals, and how becoming an affiliate can be an integral part of your overall financial plan.

Increasingly, we’re all looking to generate multiple streams of income online, but it can sometimes be tricky to sort the wheat from the chaff and to figure out which forms of income are truly legitimate rather than a false positive that’ll end up costing us more time, money and pain than it’s really worth.

Passive income streams are increasingly popular for this reason; although passive income may not always be a huge amount, the little effort involved makes them almost always worth it.

A little about SaaS Marketing

SaaS (software as a service) Marketing are services that customers are able to sign up to, oftentimes as a monthly or yearly renewable subscription. Frequently, this type of software looks to provide a solution to an issue that a business or entrepreneur may have.

We’ve looked into passive income SaaS Affiliate Programs and compiled 3 of our favorites here:

Affiliate Program 1: Drip

Drip is a company that do email marketing software. They have a great reputation in the eCommerce automation market and are able to be used with a range of tools such as Magento, Shopify and WooCommerce.

If you’d like to partner with Drip, they offer a commission rate of 30% and they offer a SaaS affiliate program for beginner affiliates.

Affiliate Program 2: Freshbooks

FreshBooks are an accounting platform whose affiliate program is managed by ShareASale. FreshBooks have an affiliate program that offers $5 for each sign up and for each trial. Their commission is offered on a sliding scale depending on the type of account that the subscribers sign up for, with premium accounts bagging the highest commission rates ($200).

Affiliate Program 3: Sage

Sage is another highly popular accounting platform that runs an affiliate program. Sage covers a wide range of business activities, hence its large popularity, from payroll to operations, and covers most financial services a business would need.

Sage’s affiliate program offers 7% commission on every client that is referred, whilst also offering $5, even if the customer that was referred only opts to go for a free trial. Sage tracks cookies for 30 days.

Thanks for reading! We hope that you enjoyed this article. There are many, many more affiliate programs available, so make sure that you keep checking this blog to see our latest updates and news about how you can start generating passive income and increasing your wealth.

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April 5, 2022

Joran Hofman

Youtube is a great way to reach a big audience, combine this with affiliate marketing and you have a new revenue stream.