How to get into Affiliate Marketing with using Instagram

In this post, I’m going to cover everything you need to know to get started with affiliate marketing directly from your Instagram account. Instagram affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. In fact, anyone can do it right from their smartphone!

What is Affiliate Marketing on Instagram?

Affiliate marketing on Instagram is a way to certain products and in return, receive a commission for each sale made.

Do I need a blog or a website?

Although it is beneficial to have a blog or a website, it is not always necessary in all cases. 

Whether or not you have that website is totally up to you. It is a good recommendation for future Instagram Influencers to start a blog, even if it is very simple, even if it is a single-page website.

You may not be writing an article every week or even never, but you should have a page on your website that talks about who you are and what you do. So, you can use that website to get accepted into the affiliate programs. Saying this, you don’t necessarily have to drive people to your website to benefit from Instagram Affiliate Marketing.

Related Reading: How to Become An Affiliate?



Instagram Affiliate Marketing works by using custom affiliate links to drive traffic to your online store, then when someone makes a purchase, we’ll pay you a hefty commission on that purchase.

However, it must be remembered that Instagram is not designed for many links. And you won’t make any money unless people click the link to go to the website. For now, there are only two ways to post a link to a website on Instagram.

The first way to post your links is by posting on your bio. Now, remember that you have limited space on your bio. The strategy that is usually used is called Link Tree. It is a free program or software (See more of LinkTree ) that allows you to link multiple websites. If you were to click on the Link Tree link of some Instagram bio, a web page with all the links would appear. And for example, these links could direct followers to a recent YouTube video, a podcast, a blog, a Facebook group…

Since you can only post one link in the Instagram Bio, the Link Tree offers a great way to maximize the use of that limited space. You can give your followers options of what they want to see. This allows you to make a variety of posts on your Instagram account.

For example, I can make a post that says, “Hey, a new podcast episode is out! Go check out the link in my bio.” So when your followers click the link in my bio, they will see the link to the podcast option right away.

Or, I can make another post that says “Hey, I have a new video on my YouTube channel. Go check it out, the link is in my bio.” So when they click the link in the bio, they will see the link to watch the new video right away. 

Therefore, if you are a SolarCell affiliate and want to promote and continue to link to your other social networks, you can create a Link Tree and have links to different products. Your Link Tree can give your followers options like “Camper Van Solar Panel”.

Related Reading: The Best Facebook Affiliate Marketing Groups

Using Instagram story for links

The second place where you can put an affiliate link only applies if you have 10,000 followers on Instagram. If you have 10,000 followers or more you can use Instagram stories to put your links.

Post an Instagram Story:

  1. Click on the Instagram story and take a photo or video for your Instagram Story.
  2. Then, at the top right of your screen you will see a small chain link tool icon that you can click to add a web link to the message.
  3. You can then enter the link you want and post the story.
  4. Then everyone will be able to see the swipe feature at the bottom, so when people tap or swipe the ribbon, they’ll be directed to go to the link you used.

So if you’re going to post an affiliate link, you’re telling people what you’re promoting, like the new flexible van solar panels. For example, ” Hey, are you thinking of spending the weekend on a van trip? Maybe it would be great to be able to keep food fresh or beers cold in the fridge with a flexible solar panel on your van, scroll up to find out more .” People will then swipe right to the website via your affiliate link. Also, if they buy the solar panel, you will get an affiliate commission.

Grow your number of followers on Instagram 

I always recommend everyone who is serious about becoming an influencer do everything possible to grow the account to more than 10,000 followers.

Once you get there, you will be able to use those Instagram story links which are very, very valuable. 

The Power of Instagram Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing on Instagram is super simple. There are a lot of complications when you market through several other platforms. Below are some of the disadvantages if you are using other affiliate marketing platforms:

Not controlling the products offered

On the one hand, it’s good to have a product ready to dedicate your time to promotion rather than production, isn’t it? But, on the other hand, this can lead to customers not being satisfied with what was purchased.

So research the producer’s background and what’s sold extensively to avoid linking to something that doesn’t appeal to your audience.

Not have a fixed salary

This is yet another factor to consider for your financial planning. Not having a fixed salary can be good, as it does not limit your earnings and reflects your dedication to the venture. 

But it can be bad because the conversion is not always proportionally equal to your efforts. Self-employment has its ups and downs, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying. 

You will certainly learn a lot about yourself and about subjects that you may not have been interested in before, but that are vital to the health of your business, such as financial planning.

Competition between affiliates

If you are reading this article, you are most likely considering becoming an affiliate. Just like you, other people have had or are having the same thought. 

Depending on the platform chosen, this means that competition will be very strong within often limited niches. In these cases, those who master digital marketing tools the most tend to do better.

Lack of producer/platform support

This is where it all begins and ends. From the content producer’s upload to its payment. That’s why it’s so important to get to know each producer and platform well before joining. 

In addition to the payment term and history, include in your checklist if the producer and the platform:

  • Offer support materials for dissemination;
  • They have fast support for your queries;
  • Allow tracking of sales;
  • Have quality control over the products offered

 Plus, being the best affiliate, when you post the link on your profile, refer your friends, make a sale, and actually get paid for it.

But if you use Instagram for affiliate marketing, you can get a lot of benefits through it. Below are the benefits of advertising and affiliate marketing through Instagram:

Low risks:

If you are considering becoming an affiliate, make sure there is no or little risk. With relatively little effort, you can earn a good income through affiliate programs. However, be careful when choosing niches and strategies for promoting affiliate offers.

Increase of followers:

You can earn commissions by expanding your brand’s customer base, but you can also benefit from affiliate marketing by increasing your own followers, especially if you’re a content marketer. Various affiliate offers will help you fill your article with practical examples.

Fewer restrictions:

Signing up for most affiliate programs is easy. All you have to do is fill out the form and get automatic approval. However, it is very important to read and agree to the program’s Terms of Service, as it actually contains some important rules and restrictions. For example, bidding on our brand keywords is strictly prohibited under our Super metrics Affiliate Program. If the affiliate ignores this deadline, it will end without maintaining regular revenue.

No special knowledge required:

There are no specific requirements or skills you should have to start affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketers wear a variety of hats-they can earn commissions through content marketing, paid advertising, social media, and email marketing. Sounds scary, but don’t panic. When you start affiliate marketing, you have the opportunity to learn to be an affiliate as you are actually running your own small business.

Enter the best Affiliate Program

If you have any questions, leave a comment below. Let me know what questions you have about becoming an Instagram Influencer and/or starting Instagram Affiliate Marketing. 

See our recommended Affiliate Programs

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April 5, 2022

Joran Hofman

Youtube is a great way to reach a big audience, combine this with affiliate marketing and you have a new revenue stream.